Are you living a #furniturefree life?

I was reading this article from Inmann recently and I have to admit, I had never heard of this newer trend. Getting rid of furniture around the house. It seems like common sense, if you don’t have a comfy chair or couch in your house, you are less likely to lead a sedentary lifestyle. If I had to decide between sitting on the floor to take a break or just working longer/finding something else to do it would certainly help me to stay more active, consume less calories, and watch less TV. I suppose I would stay busy longer, and just work or stay busy with a project until I’m ready to call it a night.

When you think about it, some of the healthiest counties/cultures around the world don’t even sit in a chair to eat, some cultures don’t even sit on toilets, and they tend to live longer, healthier lives. Could it really be that simple though?

There are all kinds of examples of furniture free living online, some more extreme than others… I think the point is pretty simple, make it less comfortable to lay around the house, and you will get up and find something else to do.

Is there something to this? Would you be willing to try it for a week and see how it goes? Let us know what you think, in the comments below.

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