How to Personalize Client Gifts
I handle the client gifts for the most part. And by that I mean I put them together. But it has always been super important to Troy and me that the gifts we give our clients mean something to them. More than just a nice gesture. We want them to know that we know them. A few years ago, Troy had his Mom, Lucy, make quilts for his clients. The colors and quilt top were pretty much the same, but each one had a customized quilting pattern. For instance on one quilt he asked his Mom to use an Iris pattern because his client had mentioned in passing that Iris’s are her favorite flower. When she was given the quilt she was so touched that Troy remembered. It was personal to her.
So how do you do this? How do you get to know each client so you have the ability to create a personalized gift? Well you start by asking questions, listening, and remembering. The important details of a person’s life are often given to you in passing comments. A recent client was texting back and forth with Troy trying to figure out when closing made the most sense because he had two trips planned within a week of eachother. Both trips were high adventure and out doors. With that in mind it was easy for me to put together the ultimate outdoor gift basket. Remember the important details.
Our most recent closing was with clients that I have known for almost 30 years. Our families have had lots of wonderful and lastly memories together. My favorite memories with them surround food and holidays. When I started to think about creating a basket for them, I wanted to do something full of treats and tasty things that I knew they would love. Well TL totally put the kabosh on that when he told me that they mentioned that they are doing the Keto Diet. BOOO. Not really. I’m proud of them. It’s wonderful to be taking control of your life that way. But it definitely made my job harder. I mean how do you make a gift basket without food in it?! Needless to say it was going to be a challenge but one I was excited to tackle.
My Dad is one of the most thoughtful present givers I know. He literally will only give a present that he knows will be cherished and loved. So I gave him a call. Okay well really it was a FaceTime because my parents are ruining my life and have taken my baby Nicky to Ireland for a month, but whatever. Anywayssss, we chatted a bit and then he said what about a Christmas themed basket since they love Christmas so much. With that in mind I went to Target and the Christmas themed basket turned into a Christmas themed Tea Service. I want everything in this basket. A lot.
I couldn’t find a picture of the exact mugs that I used but I found a few that would work perfectly with the basket theme.
Troy and I find such joy in giving gifts to our clients that have in reality become our friends. It just takes a little effort on our part by asking questions and listening to learn what is important to them. I know that it makes a difference to our clients and it definitely makes a difference to us.