
Everyone has obsessions. Some are healthy like running. Some are unhealthy like stalking your ex-girlfriend. My current obsession is Chrissy Teigen cookbooks.
Like for real ya’ll. The recipes are legit. The little blurbs she writes to go with each recipe literally make me laugh out loud. We have so many family favorites from her first book, Cravings. Like her fish tacos. Or her roasted cauliflower orzo salad. Or her Sriracha Caeser salad. Or her Roasted Potatoes. OR OR OR! You get the idea. I just got her second book, Cravings Hungry for More yesterday. After thumbing through it I can already tell that there is about to be some new family faves added to our weekly menu.
I think that healthy obsessions generally stem from a talent you naturally have or from something you want to be talented at. Like cooking. Not to toot my own horn, but toot toot! I’m naturally good at cooking. It’s seriously hereditary. I mean my Great Grandma Jones was the cook for Mrs. Boeing. We are kind of a big deal…haha!
An obsession that Troy and I are currently trying to enjoy because it’s something we want to be talented at it, is walking. Every morning (ok almost every morning), we walk the kids to the bus and then walk down the hill and on to the pipeline that runs behind our house all the way to Everett. Its been pretty awesome to see the progress we make each day. And I know we are walking more each day because Kaiser can barely get off his dog bed after we get home.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to spend time with Troy each morning laughing and talking, but also moving forward towards a healthier lifestyle. I also enjoy snapping pics of him snapping pics.