Date Night…or maybe Day Date?

Since September 10th, I have had way more time on my hands. Like basically I drop both kids off first thing in the morning and I don’t see them again until almost dinner. LIFE CHANGING. Obviously I have more of a presence now on this blog, which I love. But the other thing that I…

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I can remember my parents having parties when I was young that would last into the wee hours of the morning. There would be music, lots of food, and laughter. Some were themed parties. Some were just last minute get togethers so blow off some steam. I grew up thinking my parents were just social…

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Recipe of the Week – Scotch-a-roos!

Scotch-a-roos are an under-apprecited and relatively unknown treat. I was lucky enough to grow up with Kimberly Kosorok in my life. She single-handedly cemented my obession with scotch-a-roos AND Pride and Prejudice. The most basic description I can give is they are like rice crispy treats on crack. Peanut butter, rice crispies, chocolate, and butterscotch.…

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Taco Tuesday Date Night!

Troy and I are lucky to have both sets of Grandparents within a hours drive of us and our kids. Not only do we get to see them on a regular basis, but we tend to get to have pretty regular date nights. Thank Mom and Lucy!! (oh and Dad and Shawn…ha!) The kids really…

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It’s Just the Beginning…

This last summer I chose to work with the most difficult client I’ve ever had. While it was not a negative experience for either one of us, I did learn quite a bit from it. I did ultimately find her the exact property they wanted. It took some doing and I take full credit for…

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